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Plum – Prunus domestica Hauswetsche – German Purple Plum

Hauszwetsche is a dark-blue damson-like plum or prune. It is a typical example of the  Zwetsche  or  Quetsche  plums which have been grown in central Europe for centuriesAlthough it can be eaten fresh, traditionally its main use is in the kitchen. The yellow flesh has a spicy flavour, and is notable for its high sugar content (it is sometimes known as Sweet Prune for this reason).The flesh is also drier than many English culinary plums, which means it does not dilute the surrounding pastry or cake mix with excess liquid.In short, this is the ideal variety for making German plum cakes, plum dumplings, and other traditional desserts from central Europe – and a good present for anyone interested in cookery.Pot Grown Plant Supplied in approx  7.5 litre containers.