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Phlox paniculata ‘Starfire’

Panicles of deliciously perfumed, cherry red blossoms contrast sharply against the deep green foliage from mid to late summer. The tall, sturdy, clumping habit of this variety makes it a good candidate for the back of the border. Phlox paniculata is unequaled for showy blooms over a long period throughout the summer. Though they are some of the most popular perennials available, they do require some maintenance to sustain their health and vigor. Tall Garden Phlox grows best in rich, moist soil in full sun. It will thrive with bi-monthly fertilising and consistent moisture levels. Overhead watering should be avoided since some varieties of phlox are susceptible to powdery mildew. This can be avoided or diminished by providing ample air circulation around the plants and by thinning them out periodically. Deadheading will prolong bloom time. Supplied in approx 1 litre containers.