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Clematis montana Fenne

Those looking for a vigorous but gorgeous looking Clematis do not need to look much further than the Montana species of this popular genus of deciduous climbers. โ€˜Fenneโ€™ is a strong plant that will mask that unsightly fence or garage wall in a fairly short period of time.Its mid to dark green tri-foliate leaves are perfect for softening a harder surface or as a backdrop to a planted border. In summer this Clematis becomes cloaked in small light pink flowers, profuse in numbers, they have the bonus of being both scented and loved by Bees and Butterflies. Clematis will prefer its roots in shady conditions so don’t be afraid to plant round its base. The plant scrambles by nature so you could grow it through the crown of a tree or more traditionally grow and tie on to trellis.Supplied in approx. 2 litre nursery pots.