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Magnolia denudata Sunrise – Compact Chinese Magnolia – Unique flower colour

Magnolia Sunrise is a recently introduced variety to the wide selection of Magnolia varieties we grow. Originally hailing from the far East, much like the sun rises reliably each morning, this tulip tree is a very reliable garden plant. Loved the world over, Magnolias are known for their magnificent and fragrant blossoms, with this new variety no exception.Forming a magnificent deciduous shrub Magnolia Sunrise carries superb, large goblet-shaped flowers, each a distinctive creamy shade flamed with a flash of red emanating from the base of each bloom. This easy to grow, fully winter hardy compact Magnolia makes an ideal focal point in smaller gardens when used as a solitary specimen shrub, or when combined in mixed borders. Reaching up to 2 metres over 10-20 years, try it for something different. Supplied in approx. 5 litre containers.