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Honeysuckle – Large 6-7ft Specimen Plant – Lonicera henryi – Evergreen Honeysuckle

Lonicera Henryi is an evergreen climber that is an excellent alternative to the Ivy if you want some interesting evergreen foliage cover of a wall, fence or trellis.Vigorous in growth, this attractive climber will twine it’s way up and climb any suitable supports. Featuring lance-shaped glossy green foliage, the vine originally comes from the forests of China, and is also known as Henry’s Honeysuckle. Although the plant is evergreen in nature, in harsh winters it may shed the foliage, only for it to re-emerge in Spring.In summer, this Lonicera Honeysuckle will cover itself in yellow flushed red flowers. It will thrive in full sun or partial shade and it not fussy on soil, so look as it is a retentive well drained one.Supplied as a large approx. 6ft tall specimen plants in approx. 5.5 litre containers, these are perfect to cover fences, walls and trellis with their fragrant flowers all summer long.