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Dwarf Korean Lilac Tree – Syringa Palibin – EXTRA LARGE Standard Tree – 140-160cms tall

Blooming in May-June, and for a second time in August-September this superb standard lilac tree is the perfect way to enjoy the bright lavender-purple flowers that are spread over the entire canopy.The exquisite perfume produced by this pretty lilac when in flower makes it worth growing alone – your Lilac tree will not only catch the eye, but also the nose! Foliage is compact and slow growing, meaning this small tree is very versatile and can be used in a wide variety of garden situations, as a foundation plant formally in beds and borders, in pretty planters either side of a doorway for a welcoming entrance or perhaps try it on its own in a stylish courtyard container on a terrace or balcony.Supplied in approx 5-7.5 litre containers, as a standard, with a bushy head on a stem, overall height approx 140-160cms tall, and covered with buds and blooms in season.The Dwarf Scented Palibin Lilac Tree hails from Korea and is a real gem that you should be growing not only for its beautif