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Echinacea Mooodz Awake

The delightful pink-orange flowers bloom throughout the summer, attracting bees to your garden and create a delightful display above the compact foliage.The Moodz are a brilliant new series of Echinacea with a more compact habit than traditional Echinacea Cone Flowers which creates beautiful rounded mounds of flowers from early summer through to the first frosts. Perfect for adding  a bright splash of colour to your summer and autumn gardening and invite busy bees to your garden too!Echinacea ‘Moodz Awake’ has unique, very large blooms upto 10cms across with a gigantic cone which looks like half an apple, the petals are an unusual salmon-pink to tangerine orange in colour. They are well known for large, daisy-like flowers. It is a bold, sturdy perennial sporting flowers with a large cone-shaped center, hence its common name of Coneflower. A long flowering perennial with blooms that can continue for over a good two to three months, they last well as cut flowers too.Echinacea